Teach Yourself VISUALLY Excel 2007

miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008 ·

Product Description

Are you a visual learner? Do you prefer instructions that show you how to do something - and skip the long-winded explanations? If so, then this book is for you. Open it up and you’ll find clear, step-by-step screen shots that show you how to tackle more than 150 Excel 2007 tasks. Each task-based spread includes easy, visual directions for performing necessary operations, including:
* Using the Ribbon and galleries
* Entering data and resizing columns
* Applying formulas and functions

* Formatting worksheets
* Adding clip art and 3D effects
* Interpreting data with charts
* Helpful sidebars offer practical tips and tricks
* Succinct explanations walk you through step by step
* Full-color screen shots demonstrate each task
* Two-page lessons break big topics into bite-sized modules


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